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Visual Artist,   Art and Meditation,   Mindful Creativity Coach,   Art Educator

One-to-One Personalised Beginners Creative Art Lessons in Suffolk


Develop skills and confidence Step-by-Step Art in the basics of drawing and painting with an encouraging, experienced artist and qualified art teacher 
Zangmo Alexander

Progress at your own speed

Flexible lesson times daytime or weekends

Pay as you go - no termly fees


Try an exciting range of art materials FREE
including charcoal, soft pastel, pencil, ink, oil paint, acrylic paint, mixed media,watercolour pencils, oil pastel, collage


Relaxed, informal atmosphere,
free organic refreshments


One-to-One Creative Art Mentoring Lessons
in Suffolk and Norfolk


Got some basic art skills?

Want to explore ways of creatively expressing yourself?

Explore developing creative themes of personal interest from sketchbook to painting


Experiment with a exciting art materials FREE 
including charcoal, soft pastel, pencil, ink, oil paint, acrylic paint, mixed media,watercolour pencils, oil pastel, collage.

Relaxed, informal atmosphere with encouraging, qualified art teacher and professional artist Zangmo Alexander

Flexible lesson times, weekdays and weekends
Pay as you go - no termly fees
PLUS free organic refreshments!​


Enquiries and Bookings:
01379 897393​​

What students say

"How grate­ful I feel that I found Zangmo on the in­ter­net. One-to-One Tu­ition was a per­fect choice for me, one which I'd love to re­peat. I have no hes­it­a­tion in re­com­mend­ing this to oth­ers.


From the first I found Zangmo wel­com­ing, friendly, per­cept­ive and at­tent­ive. She listened to me and ob­served me so well without im­pos­ing; was gently chal­len­ging and sup­port­ive throughout. An ac­com­plished artist and teacher, Zangmo with her know­ledge, man­ner, per­son­al­ity and ex­per­i­ence in many areas gave me a very be­ne­fi­cial pro­cess to de­velop free­dom in my art work. I move for­ward with con­fid­ence; I can re­lease my­self from pre­vi­ous lim­it­a­tions.

Thank you Zangmo."

- S.M, Cyprus

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Arts Council England Zangmo Alexander Art
MOFSASpiritual and Meditation Art by Zangmo Alexander
Norfolk County Council Zangmo Alexander Art Tutor


Zangmo Alexander 2024

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